Manifestations of genetic risk and intergenerational transmission of risk for eating disorders (MoBa-Eat)
- Prosjektnummer
- 2019097
- Ansvarlig person
- Alexandra Karoline Saasen Havdahl
- Institusjon
- Lovisenberg Diakonale Sykehus
- Prosjektkategori
- Postdoktorstipend
- Helsekategori
- Mental Health
- Forskningsaktivitet
- 1. Underpinning, 2. Aetiology
The candidate completed a 12-month research stay at the University of Bristol MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit, an epicentre for the UK's most advanced population health science research. She received advanced training in causal inference modelling and genetic epidemiology methods that are key to achieve the project aims. The stay was well placed early in the project, ensuring the analytical skills gained in the first year are efficiently implemented. The exchange fellowship has contributed to further extending the collaboration between the Psychiatric Genetic Epidemiology (PaGE) group at Lovisenberg and the MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit.
The candidate is currently participating in a one-year (July 2019 to July 2020) research stay abroad, at the department of Population Health Sciences, at the University of Bristol in Bristol United Kingdom. Here, she will attend advanced training courses in causal inference modelling and genetic epidemiology. These new methods are integral for the design and analyses of the projects key publications. The stay is well placed early in the project, ensuring the analytical skills gained in the first year can be directly and efficiently implemented over the second and third project years. In the 4th month of her abroad stay, the candidate attended a data visualisation course, during which, she honed the skills to produce high quality publishable figures. She then visited Oslo in December 2019 to translate these skills to the wider research team at Lovisenberg, including researchers and PhD candidates at the Norwegian Institutes of Public Health. The stay abroad has also benefitted the candidate's professional development through collaboration with the Integrative Epidemiology Unit (IEU), an epicentre for the UK's most advanced population health science research. Through the IEU the candidate has met new international researchers, attended statistical journal clubs, presented in departmental meetings and science communication events. In March she will represent the University of Bristol at the Genetics and Genomics Roadshow, a science event for 12 and 13 year old students.
Parental education and children's depression, anxiety, and ADHD traits, a within-family study in MoBa.
NPJ Sci Learn 2024 Jul 18;9(1):46. Epub 2024 jul 18
PMID: 39025869
Intrauterine Growth and Offspring Neurodevelopmental Traits: A Mendelian Randomization Analysis of the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa).
JAMA Psychiatry 2024 Feb 01;81(2):144.
PMID: 37878341
Genotype-environment interplay in associations between maternal drinking and offspring emotional and behavioral problems - CORRIGENDUM.
Psychol Med 2024 Jan;54(1):218. Epub 2023 des 1
PMID: 38037393
The structure of psychiatric comorbidity without selection and assortative mating.
Transl Psychiatry 2024 Feb 26;14(1):121. Epub 2024 feb 26
PMID: 38409260
Examining intergenerational risk factors for conduct problems using polygenic scores in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study.
Mol Psychiatry 2024 Apr;29(4):951. Epub 2024 jan 16
PMID: 38225381
Associations between health behaviours, fertility and reproductive outcomes: triangulation of evidence in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa).
BMC Med 2023 Apr 03;21(1):125. Epub 2023 apr 3
PMID: 37013617
Genetic nurture versus genetic transmission of risk for ADHD traits in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study.
Mol Psychiatry 2023 Apr;28(4):1731. Epub 2022 nov 16
PMID: 36385167
Early manifestations of genetic risk for neurodevelopmental disorders.
J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2022 Jul;63(7):810. Epub 2021 okt 4
PMID: 34605010
Genetic Liability for Schizophrenia and Childhood Psychopathology in the General Population.
Schizophr Bull 2021 07 08;47(4):1179-1189.
PMID: 33561255
Parental body mass index and offspring childhood body size and eating behaviour: Causal inference via parental comparisons and extended children of twins structural equation modelling
medRxiv 2023.
Intergenerational effects of parental educational attainment on parenting and childhood educational outcomes: Evidence from MoBa using within-family Mendelian randomization.
medRxiv 2023, 2023.02.22.23285699.
Body mass index and childhood symptoms of depression, anxiety, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: A within-family Mendelian randomization study
eLife, 2022
The Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child cohort study (MoBa) genotyping data resource: MoBaPsychGen pipeline v.1
bioRxiv, 2022
Genotype-environment interplay in associations between maternal drinking and offspring emotional and behavioral problems
PsyArXiv doi:10.31234/, 2022
Childhood phenotypic manifestations of genetic risk for anorexia nervosa in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa).
PsyArXiv (Preprint, 2021, March 4).
The causal effects of body mass index (BMI) on childhood symptoms of depression, anxiety disorder, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a within family Mendelian randomization study
MedRxiv (Preprint, September 22, 2021).
Genetic liability for schizophrenia and childhood psychopathology in the general population
Schizophrenia Bulletin, In press (
Early manifestations of genetic risk for neurodevelopmental disorders
PsyArXiv (Preprint article), 2020;
Developmental milestones in early childhood and genetic liability to neurodevelopmental disorders
PsyArXiv (Preprint article).
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