Brain signature and early risk in youth with early-onset psychosis using new imaging methods, biomarkers, birth cohorts and national registries.
- Prosjektnummer
- 2020020
- Ansvarlig person
- Ingrid Agartz
- Institusjon
- Diakonhjemmet Sykehus AS
- Prosjektkategori
- Åpen prosjektstøtte
- Helsekategori
- Mental Health
- Forskningsaktivitet
- 1. Underpinning, 2. Aetiology
Dr Wortinger ended a one-year visit to the Lieber Institute for Brain Development, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA in the summer of 2023. At the Lieber institute, she has advanced her research by acquiring new methods and investigated placental gene expression in postmortem brain tissue of patients with schizophrenia (SZ) and healthy controls. Based on our previous work where we found a more robust interaction between placental genomic risk scores for SZ (PlacGRS; an index of genomic risk for SZ based on gene expression in placenta) and birth asphyxia on case-control status and PlacGRS was negatively correlated with neonatal head size at birth in those who experienced birth asphyxia. We searched for the expression of placental genes associated with risk for SZ in the dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), hippocampal and caudate regions of the brain. We found 27 differentially expressed placental and SZ risk-associated genes in the caudate of 167 patients with SZ compared to 236 healthy controls (unpublished data). The expression of SZ risk genes both in placenta and brain support the possibility that genetic variation contributes to risk for SZ through pleiotropic effects in different organs. Our findings suggest that genetic risk factors for SZ might lead to alteration in brain development via the placenta.
With a mobility grant from Helse Sør-Øst, Laura started a one-year visit in the fall of 2022 to the Lieber Institute for Brain Development, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA. At the Lieber institute, she is advancing her research by acquiring new methods and investigating placental gene expression in postmortem brain tissue of patients with SZ and healthy controls.
Dur to the corona situation there has been no site visit abroad during 2020.
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In vivo white matter microstructure in adolescents with early-onset psychosis: a multi-site mega-analysis.
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Lower circulating neuron-specific enolase concentrations in adults and adolescents with severe mental illness
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- Dimitrios Andreou Forsker (annen finansiering)
- Eva Hilland Postdoktorstipendiat (annen finansiering)
- Kjetil Nordbø Jørgensen Forsker (annen finansiering)
- Stener Nerland Doktorgradsstipendiat (annen finansiering)
- Claudia Barth Postdoktorstipendiat (finansiert av denne bevilgning)
- Laura A Wortinger Bakke Forsker (finansiert av denne bevilgning)
- Ingrid Agartz Prosjektleder
eRapport er utarbeidet av Sølvi Lerfald og Reidar Thorstensen, Regionalt kompetansesenter for klinisk forskning, Helse Vest RHF, og videreutvikles av de fire RHF-ene i fellesskap, med støtte fra Helse Vest IKT
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