HIV-infected African children: Gut microbiota in relation to chronic lung disease and long-term antibiotic treatment
- Prosjektnummer
- HNF1539-20
- Ansvarlig person
- Trond Flægstad
- Institusjon
- Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge
- Prosjektkategori
- Ph.d.-stipend
- Helsekategori
- Infection, Inflammatory and immune system
- Forskningsaktivitet
- 5. Treatment Development, 6. Treatment Evaluation
Pasientene i studien behandles fortsatt i Zimbabwe og Malawi. Inkludering og oppfølging av pasienter ble avsluttet i 2019. The participants in the project are children and adolescents. They are defined as users together with their families. The family bonds are strong in this part of the world. The user organizations are not strong, most likely less involved in user participation. Children and adolescents are normally not found in a typically user organization. Therefore, the users in the project are already involved in focus groups through the ongoing BREATHE study were the microbiome study is a substudy. The families have regular contact outpatient clinics where the sampling is implemented, and they have an ongoing discussion with the local project coordinators about the advantages, and possible problems connected to the project. Groups of families are organized locally, and they have very strict information procedures and a voluntary participation agreement, where the children and adolescents can withdraw at any stage of the study
The participants in the project are children and adolescents. They are defined as users together with their families. The family bonds are strong in this part of the world. The user organizations are not strong, most likely less involved in user participation. Children and adolescents are normally not found in a typically user organization. Therefore, the users in the project are already involved in focus groups through the ongoing BREATHE study were the microbiome study is a substudy. The families have regular contact outpatient clinics where the sampling is implemented, and they have an ongoing discussion with the local project coordinators about the advantages, and possible problems connected to the project. Groups of families are organized locally, and they have very strict information procedures and a voluntary participation agreement, where the children and adolescents can withdraw at any stage of the study
The participants in the project are children and adolescents. They are defined as users together with their families. The family bonds are strong in this part of the world. The user organizations are not strong, most likely less involved in user participation. Children and adolescents are normally not found in a typically user organization. Therefore, the users in the project are already involved in focus groups through the ongoing BREATHE study were the microbiome study is a substudy. The families have regular contact outpatient clinics where the sampling is implemented, and they have an ongoing discussion with the local project coordinators about the advantages, and possible problems connected to the project. Groups of families are organized locally, and they have very strict information procedures and a voluntary participation agreement, where the children and adolescents can withdraw at any stage of the study
Beskriv samarbeidet med brukerrepresentanten(e) det siste året The participants in the project are children and adolescents. They are defined as users together with their families. The family bonds are strong in this part of the world. The user organizations are not strong, most likely less involved in user participation. Children and adolescents are normally not found in a typically user organization. Therefore, the users in the project are already involved in focus groups through the ongoing BREATHE study were the microbiome study is a substudy. The families have regular contact outpatient clinics where the sampling is implemented, and they have an ongoing discussion with the local project coordinators about the advantages, and possible problems connected to the project. Groups of families are organized locally, and they have very strict information procedures and a voluntary participation agreement, where the children and adolescents can withdraw at any stage of the study
The participants in the project are children and adolescents. They are defined as users together with their families. The family bonds are strong in this part of the world. The user organizations are not strong, most likely less involved in user participation. Children and adolescents are normally not found in a typically user organization. Therefore, the users in the project are already involved in focus groups through the ongoing BREATHE study were the microbiome study is a substudy. The families have regular contact outpatient clinics where the sampling is implemented, and they have an ongoing discussion with the local project coordinators about the advantages, and possible problems connected to the project. Groups of families are organized locally, and they have very strict information procedures and a voluntary participation agreement, where the children and adolescents can withdraw at any stage of the study.
Characterization of bacterial and viral pathogens in the respiratory tract of children with HIV-associated chronic lung disease: a case-control study.
BMC Infect Dis 2024 Jun 26;24(1):637. Epub 2024 jun 26
PMID: 38926682
Exhaled nitric oxide is associated with inflammatory biomarkers and risk of acute respiratory exacerbations in children with HIV-associated chronic lung disease.
HIV Med 2024 Feb;25(2):223. Epub 2023 okt 7
PMID: 37804064
"The effect of 48-weeks azithromycin therapy on levels of soluble biomarkers associated with HIV-associated chronic lung disease".
Int Immunopharmacol 2023 Mar;116():109756. Epub 2023 jan 20
PMID: 36682262
Soluble biomarkers associated with chronic lung disease in older children and adolescents with perinatal HIV infection.
AIDS 2021 09 01;35(11):1743-1751.
PMID: 34074817
Effect of Once-Weekly Azithromycin vs Placebo in Children With HIV-Associated Chronic Lung Disease: The BREATHE Randomized Clinical Trial.
JAMA Netw Open 2020 12 01;3(12):e2028484. Epub 2020 des 1
PMID: 33331916
Composition of Gut Microbiota of Children and Adolescents With Perinatal Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Taking Antiretroviral Therapy in Zimbabwe.
J Infect Dis 2020 01 14;221(3):483-492.
PMID: 31549151 - Inngår i doktorgradsavhandlingen
Chronic lung disease in children and adolescents with HIV: a case-control study.
Trop Med Int Health 2020 05;25(5):590-599. Epub 2020 feb 10
PMID: 31989731
Exhaled Nitric Oxide is associated with inflammatory biomarkers and risk of acute respiratory exacerbations in children with HIV-associated chronic lung disease
HIV Infected African Children: Gut microbiota in relation to chronic lung disease and long-term antibiotic treatment
- Disputert:
- april 2024
- Hovedveileder:
- Trond Flægstad
- Jon Øyvind Odland Prosjektleder
- Trym Thune Flygel Doktorgradsstipendiat
- Tore Jarl Gutteberg Prosjektdeltaker
- Jorunn Pauline Cavanagh Prosjektdeltaker
- Evgeniya Sovershaeva Prosjektdeltaker
- Erik Hjerde Prosjektdeltaker
- Rashida Ferrand Prosjektdeltaker
- Trond Flægstad Prosjektleder
eRapport er utarbeidet av Sølvi Lerfald og Reidar Thorstensen, Regionalt kompetansesenter for klinisk forskning, Helse Vest RHF, og videreutvikles av de fire RHF-ene i fellesskap, med støtte fra Helse Vest IKT
Alle henvendelser rettes til eRapport, Helse Nord